Summary: This competition is to create pedestrian-friendly urban milieus within the distance of 15 minutes ― the average time taken for a human being to walk 1 km ― and suggest spaces where residents can stay communicating with one another. Urban spaces can be classified into functionally purposive (commercial, governmental, and school) and non-purposive (typically, park) spaces: when the latter become profuse, the urban life would be more leisurely with increased quality.
The theme of Bcome 2021 is “15-Minute City.”
That is to say, the goal of this competition is to present an urban structure that enables various kinds of experiences, rest, communications with neighbors even without any clear purpose (such as commuting, working, going to school, or purchasing goods), as well as securing additional urban spaces to stay for those who go out with a clear purpose to achieve. Creating an urban structure that enables citizens to walk or stroll happily at least for about 15 minutes within their local areas is the goal of “15-Minute City.”
Register and Learn more about the competition here:
Bcome 2021 is to discover new urban living milieus that can cope with the hollowing-out, obsolescent residential environment and deteriorated urban infrastructure of a backward built-up site of Busan, as well as to review the feasibilities of proposed models and apply them extensively to adjacent similar areas.
The main purpose is to suggest pedestrian-friendly facilities and establish pedestrian networks within the project site considering local characteristics and the public good, proposing architectural and urbanist solutions to realize the “inclusive city” policy.
It is to explore how to improve the quality of citizens’ life, ameliorate their residential environment and activate the local community as part of urban regeneration against urban deterioration and hollowing-out.
Method of competition
This competition is an online international ideas competition open to all people and professionals in and out of country. There is no entry fee, and amongst the submitted works, finalists will be selected through deliberation and awarded totally 20 million KRW.
Schedule Date and time Content
- Public notice of competition Aug. 20 (Fri.), 2021
- Registration of participants 9 AM Aug. 20 (Fri.) to 6 PM Sep. 10 (Fri.), 2021
- Questions: Submission 9 AM Aug. 27 (Fri.) to 6 PM Sep. 1 (Wed.), 2021 Answers Sep. 6 (Mon.), 2021
- Submission of works 9 AM Oct. 22(Fri) to 6 PM Oct. 25 (Mon.), 2021
- On the official website
- Deliberation Oct. 27 (Wed.), 2021 5 prescribed jurors and 1 reserve juror
- Announcement of winners Oct. 28 (Thr.), 2021 On the official website
Application and registration
1) Period of application: 9 AM Aug. 20 (Fri.) to 6 PM Sep. 10 (Fri.), 2021
2) Place of announcement: on the website of the competition (
3) How to apply: Submit on the website of the competition. Then, we provide you with a 4-digit registration code by teams via the official e-mail. The registration code will be used to identify teams for the purpose of selecting winners and so on until the end of the competition.
4) The competition schedule is subject to further possible changes, and the changed schedule will be posted on the website of Bcome competition and notified separately to the registered participants.
Prizewinning and rewards
Prizewinner and the number of selections – Reward – Total (million)
- 1 recipient for 1st Prize – 10 million KRW – 10 KRW
- 2 recipient for 2nd Prize – 3 million KRW – 6 KRW
- 2 recipients for 3rd Prize – 2 million KRW – 4 KRW
- Total 20 KRW
- Others for Honorary Mention Certificates of Merit –
1) The reward will be offered in Korean Won (KRW) within 30 days after the announcement of selections.
2) For team applicants, a reward will be offered to the representative applicant. For overseas prizewinners, it will be offered in US Dollars as per the exchange rate at the time of rewarding.
3) The reward includes copyright fee, tax, and charges due to the remittance of currency exchange, and will be offered under the Korean tax law.
To learn more about the competition and submission requirements click here.