Introduction: Architects and architecture students are facing, especially in 2021, in a post-COVID-19 reality, the challenge to design better places for people to work, share and connect. In any city of today or tomorrow, space acts as a unifying element and transformations need to be modelled through visionary and creative ideas. A demanding task is to imagine and shape how our cities will be in 10 years from now.

Description: The new working spaces, in spite of social distancing and adaptive uses, demand visionary scenarios such to respond best to new conditions.

2031 Now_our cities in 10 years is an international idea competition that relies on the fact that spaces continue to be shared in an accelerated progress. How shared spaces and places dedicated to work reconnect in these circumstances is a fertile design matter and a deep responsibility for us all. Visions and anticipation are the way we model our future.

The 2031 Now_our cities in 10 years international competition fosters attention on working places that include community spaces, aiming to direct the creative interest in designing better places.

Read all about this competition on its official website here!

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