Introduction: Since the 1920s the Boardwalk and the surrounding neighbourhood have been the social and entertainment centre of Atlantic Beach, North Carolina. After a period of decline, the surrounding neighbourhood is coming back strong, and the Town of Atlantic Beach will be upgrading the existing public spaces into a world-class design over the next 12 to 24 months. The finished project should contain a resilient boardwalk system, a multi-use pavilion, ADA-compliant beach accesses, public art, shade structures, and restrooms. This is not a hypothetical project; it will get built.  

Summary: This international, anonymous design competition is open to all architects and landscape architects as well as college-level design students. The contest consists of two stages. The first stage is an open call for submissions. The second stage will commence after the jury selects three finalists from the first stage submissions. The jury will consist of design professionals as well as representatives from the government and real estate development sectors. The intent of this competition is to award the project to the winning firm. All finalists will receive monetary prizes to offset the costs of the final submissions.

Read in detail about this competition here and find the competition brief here!

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