Summary: The City Nature Challenge is an international global citizen science event that brings together cities around the globe in a friendly competition to observe and identify the biodiversity in their communities. The event focuses on urban areas to promote the idea that one does not need to leave the city to connect with nature. This year, we will be exploring local parks, backyards, and neighborhoods to observe wild plants and animals that share our environment.
Description: Join the AIA|DC Urban Design Committee (UD|DC) in collaboration with the ASLA Potomac Chapter and Capital Nature, as we use our unique skills as architects, urban designers, and landscape architects, to compete with more than 240 cities in 30 countries as we represent the Washington DC Metro Area and help the scientists get valuable data on the biodiversity of our region – and the planet.
For more information about the City Nature Challenge and how to participate safely during COVID-19, click here.
For more information about the DC City Nature Challenge, click here.
Find out more about this open call here!