Summary: How will your idea of a Skyscraper that houses all evident typologies of today give birth to a more technologically advanced future? Design a Skyscraper for a functional community of 30,000 which is a synergy of architecture and technology. Reinvent the functions and aesthetics of the exterior that would also respond to the interior functions through innovation and creativity.

Description: Technology has transformed the construction industry since the industrial revolution and continues to do so through mega engineering and architecture. Although as technology is progressing our society’s strength and power to upgrade, to support the networks, ideas and engineering innovations is becoming weak.

To update our existing infrastructure to solve pressing issues of overpopulation, space constraints, and the preconceived notions of repetitive city infrastructure, an upgrade is the need of the hour.

The challenge engages with a skyscraper that serves – Residential complex, A workplace (Private & Public), Community space (Parks and Recreation), a center for shopping and retail, and a learning center.




+ The competitions are open for students and professionals from all the disciplines of design.
+ The team limit for this competition is 4 members maximum per team.
+ You can register more than one team but they have to be registered separately.

Find the competition website here!

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