Summary: This student competition aims to find redesign solutions to reconstruct the villages of their choice on the same site. You are invited to watch the competition introduction video!

Description: In 1948, at least five hundred and sixty Palestinian cities, towns, and villages have been totally depopulated by Israel in 31 military operations. Two-thirds of the Palestinian people become refugees. This was the largest ethnic cleansing operation in the history of Palestine. Thereafter, Israel destroyed most of the houses and buildings of the villages.

Resolution 194 called for the Palestinian refugees to return to their homes. It was affirmed by the UN over 130 times, the longest in history. The Inalienable Right of Return.

Palestine Land Society (PLS), UK, organized an annual competition to redesign these destroyed villages for their reconstruction on the same site. Palestinian architectural students in the final year of study in a recognized institution or university are hereby invited to a very exciting competition to build a peaceful and just Palestine.

The students will be offered to select a village from a given list with data of the village before and after 1948 consisting of 6 maps and a report of 11 points about the village’s geography, history, families, agriculture, water resources, crafts, historical and religious landmarks, details of expulsion and village site today.

In addition, the participating students will be provided with the following data:

The submissions will be judged by a distinguished international jury in September of each year.

There will be monetary prizes for the first, second, and third winners. The first winner will be offered a traveling fellowship in Europe.

The announcement of the winners will be made at an exhibition of the winning designs in London. The general press and TV organizations will also be invited.

If interested please fill the application form. The Organizing Committee will receive applications from all over the world and will select participants according to the Competition’s criteria. When your application is received, the Organizing Committee will advise you if your application is accepted.

You can find more information about this open call here.

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