Location: Detroit, Michigan, USA
Categories: Urban revitalization, Master plan
1st Prize: 10.000€
Registration deadline: December 20, 2020, at 11:59 PM
Submission deadline: December 23, 2020, at 11:59 PM
Language: English
Organizers: YAC – Young Architects Competitions

Summary: CYAC –Young Architects Competitions– and Manni Group​ launch DETROIT WATERFRONT DISTRICT, a competition of ideas aiming to shape a new skyline for the city of Detroit by designing its future leisure and entertainment core.

Description: Detroit Waterfront District focuses precisely on the most fascinating canvas of all: the urban void overlooking the river amid downtown skyscrapers. Detroit Waterfront District is the competition promoted by Manni Group in collaboration with Sterling Group to design the future leisure and entertainment heart of the city of Detroit.

Architects will work on the area where the Joe Luis Arena stood, beside the place where- according to tradition- Detroit’s founding fathers landed. Participants will have the opportunity to design a building complex to redefine the city skyline. They will generate superb architecture masterpieces to become the symbol of the revival of one of the most iconic and controversial cities of the history of the United States of America.

Find more information at www.youngarchitectscompetitions.com or contact: yac@yac-ltd.com.

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