Introduction: Co-organised by the Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen (UPDIS), the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), the international agency ARQ and curated by Non-Architecture, this competition, titled “Community 2050”, aims to gather reflections and design inputs for more sustainable and equitable progress of cities.


The competition theme proposes to look at communities through the lenses of technology and innovation. What is ahead?

Five overall topics are considered central:
+ Environmental Sustainability
+ Safety and Resilience to Climate Change and Disasters
+ Ecology and Health
+ Urban Regeneration, Densification and Heritage Protection
+ Social Inclusiveness and Community thriving
These five topics can be conjugated into the two competition sites. The sites present common features but also radical differences.


The two sites selected for this competition are located in Shenzhen High Tech Park (CN) and in Amsterdam Ijplein (NL), one of the first OMA’s projects.

The first is what we define “Innovation Ecosystem”, a complex urban form supporting a community of innovators and corporations in an interconnected system.

The second was framed as a “Socio-cultural Powerhouse”, for its diverse social composition, value in informality and cultural assets.

Participants can choose the site that better fits their interest and expertise and develop only one proposal, since winners for each site will be awarded separately.


To take part in the competition, teams must register through the Non competition website.

Participation will be allowed in two categories:

OPEN – in the spirit of the Non Architecture Competitions, participants to this category can have any background or level of expertise. They will be asked to develop an idea on one or more of the topics of the competition, without any limitation to scale and site boundary. STUDENTS from ANY LEVEL of education (Bachelor, Master, Phad…) should apply for this category.

PROFESSIONAL – Open only to those practising Architecture, Urban Design and Landscape Design professionally, this category will call for a complete urban vision covering the whole extent of the competition site.

Participants in each category will be also awarded separately.


Non Architecture Competitions are open to all human beings, from every age and cultural background, working in groups or individually. Personal information of all the team members can be uploaded during the submission procedure of the final drawing. Participating to this competition is totally for free.


FINALISTS: 20 SELECTED – All of them are going to be published on the Non Architecture website.
Best Project – regardless of the site (1 prize) – 8.000 euros
Best Amsterdam Site (1 prize) – 5.000 euros
Best Shenzhen Site (1 prize) – 5.000 euros
Honourable Mentions (3 selected) – no money prize
FINALISTS: 15 SELECTED – All of them are going to be published on the Non Architecture website.
Best Project – regardless of the site (1 prize) – 3.000 euros
Best Amsterdam Site (1 prize) – 1.500 euros
Best Shenzhen Site (1 prize) – 1.500 euros
Honourable Mentions (3 selected) – no money prize

You can see the detailed competition information here!

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