Summary: We invite you to participate in a LARGE – SCALE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION, the main task of which is to DEVELOP AN ARCHITECTURAL CONCEPT OF a RECREATIONAL AREA in a cottage village. THE PRIZE FUND IS 1,000,000 rubles. Young professionals and students can take part in the competition along with practicing architects and studios from all over the world. The main thing is that the competition project offers an unusual and unique solution with a harmonious symbiosis of infrastructure and wildlife. Participation in the contest is open and free of charge.



Participants are invited to prepare a proposal for the design and the balanced development of the adjacent territory of the cottage settlement. This territory is to provide the residents with a balanced, comfortable environment and to become the center of attraction, increase the uniqueness factor, recognizability and investment attractiveness of the cottage settlement, becoming its calling card.

The concept requires such a symbiosis of infrastructure facilities (a place of leisure, entertainment, essential facilities) and wildlife that would harmoniously fit into the village itself. Thus, on the one hand, it is necessary to achieve compliance with the standard of living which inhabitants of modern cities are accustomed to and, on the other hand, emphasize all the advantages that countryside life offers.



Prize foudation is1 000 000 rubles*.

 1st prize of 600 000 rubles 00

– 2nd prize of 300 000 rubles

– 3rd prize of 100 000 rubles

The project of the participant who took 1st place shall be taken into further development for subsequent implementation according to the decision of the Organizer.

*Prize money is paid to the Winner’s bank account based on the results of the COMPETITION. The Organizer shall be responsible for the fulfillment of tax obligations for the prize money paid, as well as for the correct calculation of personal income tax and the timely submission of information to the tax authorities.

Find all the information at the official website of the competition here!

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