Minneapolis’ daring comprehensive plan


Minneapolis is updating it’s comprehensive plan. The update emphasizes energy efficient construction, housing density and reduction of car usage to help lower the city’s carbon footprint.

One of the proposed solutions of how to achieve this goals started a huge debate. The controversial issue is whether to allow building of fourplexes in practically all city areas.  A fourplex is a small apartment building with four units and current rules prohibit them in roughly two thirds of the areas.

Image: Interior 2 district visualization.

Some see fourplexes as a solution for accommodating a growing population and building denser neighborhoods with better access to transit, employment and services. Among those in favor of fourplexes are Jacob Frey, Mayor of Minneapolis and Lisa Bender, Council President. They expressed this support on their twitter accounts.

Others argue, that people will not want to live in fourplexes due to having less privacy than in a single-family house. Some residents are also concerned that fourplexes would stand out too much in the neighborhoods of single-family homes.

The city’s long range planning director Heather Worthington assures the residents that the plan is for the fourplexes to look like existing houses so they will not stand out. “The massing and the scale of the building cannot be more than the surrounding buildings which may be single-family homes.” she says.

Image: Core 50 district visualization.

The city’s comprehensive plan is currently in a draft stage, open for public debate. The plan is published at their interactive website where people can review and comment. We hope the city leaders and the residents will reach a solution that benefits everybody!

Photo Source: Flickr, Minneapolis2040

Source: https://www.minnpost.com/politics-policy/2018/03/more-density-less-parking-and-freyplexes-what-minneapolis-comprehensive-plan


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